Sunday, April 11, 2010

"Ignaorance is bliss"

I don't know what to call it, confusion,complexities,intellectual expansion,change of standards.

I remember going to my village in summers and enjoying the ripe mangoes under the trees,with my legs hanging down the popular "khatiya" and you cannot imagine how good it was if you didn't do it.
I tried to do the same again but my improved knowledge base and so called maturity appeared to be a great hindrance. I used to roam around without fearing any consequences,but now when i sit on the same khatiya i cannot focus on the ripe mangoes but the complexities of maintaining them for coming generations.

I used to chat with anyone and enjoyed it, now a days I fear the company of several there 'cause i know they will not understand my ways.

There would be weekends spent entirely under in the scorching sun and now i worry about global warming.

Paper boats would sail continuously in the rainy season but now i worry about deforestation.

I had to plan how to spend the five bucks my mama ji gave to me,but now i save thousands to buy single little thing.

Plans for five bucks have not changed,Paper boats are still floating, sun has not changed , trees have not changed , but my spirit has.

"Ignaorance is bliss" .


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